Friday, February 4, 2011

Estrogen Dominance in women - how to cope

Estrogen Dominance in Women: ways to cope
In these times of fast food and quick fixes, many women are experiencing severe hormonal imbalances that affect their daily life.  Obesity, infertility and Cancer are so much more rampant than they were a few decades ago.  Factors such as environmental pollution, stress and even pesticides in our foods have contributed to this recent spike in menstrual irregularities, hormonal dysfunction, infertility and cancer cases.  One main reason is Estrogen Dominance.
Estrogen dominance means that Estrogen levels are in excess causing a multitude of issues such as hormonal imbalance, Infertility, cancer and cysts.  Obesity exacerbates the hormonal imbalance since excess fat stores estrogen longer in the body, especially in the belly area. There are two factors that determine estrogen dominance, one obviously is the production of too much estrogen and the latter being low progesterone count, increasing the ratio of estrogen to progesterone.
Causes for estrogen dominance include eating commercial meats ( poultry, cattle, pork) that have been injected or subjected to hormonal, estrogenic hormones, eating non-organic produce with high levels of pesticides, daily stress, obesity and high estrogen production. Other factors such as exposure to environmental pollutants called Xenoestrogens are likely the cause for hormonal imbalance in many women.  Vitamin deficiencies, endocrine issues such as thyroid and pituitary dysfunction also cause estrogen dominance.
Symptoms of estrogen dominance are unique from woman to woman.  Many experience mild symptoms ranging from irritability/PMS and menstrual irregularities, to diseases such as Polycystic Ovary syndrome,  Ovarian Cancer, fibroids, cystic breasts, Infertility, Obesity and blood sugar disorders, magnesium deficiency, endocrine dysfunction, breast cancer, allergies and food sensitivities, asthma and lung issues – poor immune system.  Stress, depression and anxiety are also side effects of these symptoms and can further exacerbate the disease and a person’s emotional well being.  Menopause and accelerated aging are also symptoms of estrogen dominance.
Returning your body to balance requires a three pronged approach.  Diet, exercise and holistic treatments such as acupuncture and massage, can gently balance your hormones, regulate your menses and return you to a state of well-being.  Acupuncture can address the hormonal irregularities by regulating the pituitary and endocrine functions of the body.  It also relaxes the body by stimulating endogenous opiate receptors, therefore lowering stress hormones such as cortisol, alleviating inflammatory reactions and producing a good sense of well being.
Xenoestrogens meaning estrogen that comes from an outside source aside from naturally produced by the body, can be derived from environmental pollutants.  Our local water source here in Chicago has high levels of estrogen in it due to many women taking birth control pills and excreting it in their urine.  Many women take birth control pills, are exposed to chemicals in their home or out in the community, eat foods sprayed with pesticides, skip meals and have high stress jobs – all these factors contribute to estrogen dominance resulting in a multitude of illnesses.  Many women are also on HRT medications ( Hormone replacement therapy) and hysterectomies, again resulting in a imbalance in hormones.
Ways to cope:
Getting the body back in balance requires a three pronged approach.  Nutrition, Exercise and gentle alternative medicine therapy such as acupuncture and massage can not only return your body and hormones back to balance, it can renew and rejuvenate your entire body.
Acupuncture and Herbal medicine:
Acupuncture gently re-balances hormones by influencing the production and circulation of hormones in the body.  It affects the endocrine system by tapping in the same receptors in the brain much the same as medication does.  It affects endogenous opiates and cause the “relaxation effect”.  Acupuncture regulates the flow of energy, and increases oxygen and blood in the organs.  Acupuncture also affects emotional and behavioral health by curbing cravings, boosting the immune system and producing a relaxed state, so our bodies can heal the natural way.  It is a great form of therapy because it adds no medications or hormones to your body, while working with your healing potential. 
Herbal Medicine, specifically Chinese herbal medicine works similarly to medications, but on a gentler level.  Herbal medicine can balance your hormones, while also boosting your immune system. Herbal medicine can balance endocrine and thyroid function, adjusting hormonal output.  Chinese herbal medicine is customized to the patient, so no two formulas are alike because everyone’s constitution is different.
Eating organic foods free of antibiotics, growth hormones and pesticides can significantly reduce your xenoestrogen intake.  Shopping for produce grown locally is also healthier since the vegetables are fresher, grown in the same soil and air as you breathe and live.  Growth Hormones in meats have contributed to accelerated aging and early menarche in many women, affecting their hormonal balance.  Pesticides also act like Xenoestrogens, mimicking the hormones and disrupting natural cycles.
Avoiding phytoestrogenic foods such as excessive amounts of soy products can also alleviate estrogen dominance symptoms. Flaxseed and evening primrose oil are also estrogenic and should be taken with caution and moderation if you suffer from estrogen dominance. Other good sources of essential fatty acids are hemp seeds, fish oil, krill oil and vitamin E.
Avoiding foods stored in plastic can also reduce your exposure to xenoestrogens.  Plastics such as water bottles degrade over time, and exude xenoestrogens.  Though generally safe, some plastics should only be used one time, while others are safer to use over and over.  Plastics are numbered 1-7, with the plastics 3,6, 7 that generally leak chemicals unto foods, number 4 and 5 are generally considered safe for foods.  Avoid heating foods in plastic, instead use non reactive glass or ceramic containers.  Not only does plastic leak known xenoestrogens, but also carcinogenic substances also.  Phthalates, chemicals used to lengthen the life of fragrances and soften plastics have been known to cause endocrine system damage.
Estrogence dominance syndrome can be overcome with some of these suggestions, but as with most illneses, it is different with each individual.  To seek hormonal balance involves personal responsibility by changing diet and lifestyle ( improving nutrition), supplementation, reducing stress through meditation and stress coping techniques, minimizing exposure to xenoestrogens and exercise.  I hope you have found this helpful and informative.
for more infromation or if this is something you are struggling with please feel free to contact Mia Lahoz MSAOM LAc at the Ravenswood Healing arts -

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I like to think about this little brook everytime i'm stuck on I-90 on my way to work, I hope you get to enjoy as much as I do.  It was really nice and cool that day, and the brook's energy was both refreshing and vitalizing - i could just imagine breathing in all that fresh mountain air, ahhhhh, heaven!

Get rid of your inflammation the fun way, by eating good food!!!

Anti- Inflammatory herbs and supplements
Inflammation –
An inflammatory reaction is the body’s response to infection or trauma.  It causes tenderness, swelling and heat symptoms such as redness, fever and pain.  Any organ of the body can become inflamed.  Internal inflammation occurs when an external pathogen such as a bacterial or viral has caused infection.  Inflammation can also be caused by autoimmune disorders, allergies, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disorders, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, asthma and ulcers.  These can also be chronic and long standing inflammations.  Obesity and diabetes can also be considered an inflammatory response of the body.  External inflammation is most likely result of injury, though factors such as environmental toxins, allergies, infections, medications, fungal/dermatological disease, free radical damage and viruses can trigger an inflammatory response.  It is sometimes hard to identify the source of inflammation.

Trauma or Injury

Environmental toxins

Bowel disorders


Bacterial or viral infections

Autoimmune disease

Free radical damage


Ulcers, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease

·         Eat a diet with plenty of raw foods and drink herbal teas such as Green tea and natural juices.
·         Eat food high in flavonoids and antioxidants.  Antioxidants reduce inflammation. Antioxidants protect the body from harmful free radicals, which can cause cell damage and impaired immune system.  While there are many individual antioxidant supplements and anti-oxidant rich foods, anti oxidants work synergistically with each other, so its best to take smaller doses of many different kinds of antioxidant rather than a lot of one kind –
There are many different kinds of Anti-oxidants, here a few key Antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and repair or guard against cellular or DNA damage.

Alpha-lipoic acids or ALA – “recycles” vitamin C and E after they have neutralized free radicals, by restoring their antioxidative properties. ALA also stimulates the body’s production of gluthathione and aids in the absorption of Coenzyme Q 10.  It is been used to treat peripheral nerve damage and help control blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.  It detoxifies the liver from heavy metals, blocks cataract formation, protects nerve tissues from oxidative stress, and reduces blood cholesterol levels. ALA’s could play an important role in disease prevention, and treatment of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  ALA is also known as the metabolic antioxidant, because without it, cells cannot use sugar to produce energy.
Carotenoids and Vitamin A – carotenoids are fat soluble pigments found in green , orange, yellow vegetables and fruit.  Carotenoid family includes alpha carotene, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenoids enable the body to convert it to vitamin A – which in turn acts as an antioxidant, breaking free radical chain reactions and preventing the oxidation of cholesterol.
Flavonoids – are very potent antioxidants and metal chelators (they help leach metals from your body)  They are phytochemicals that plants produce to protect themselves from parasites, bacteria and cell injury.   Best sources for flavonoids are wine ( red wine),apples, tomatoes, blueberries, onions, soy products and tea.  Certain flavonoids have more antioxidant properties than vitamin C.
Garlic – Contains sulfhydryl compounds that are potent chelators of toxic heavy metals.  These same compound is also a very effective antioxidant, protecting against hydrogen peroxide and prevents fats from oxidation.  Garlic has been found to protect DNA from damage, keeps blood vessels healthy and guards against radiation and sunlight damage.
Vitamin C- is a free radical scavenger, that is water soluble, making it soluble in most body fluids.  It also recharges other antioxidants like Vitamin E.  It plays an integral role in immunity and protection of brain and spinal cord from free radical damage.
Green tea- contains polyphenols, which as antioxidants that have antibacterial, antiviral and immune boosting properties.
Coenzyme Q10 – plays a role in the generation of cellular energy, has anti- aging effects and beneficial  for treatment of cancer, congestive heart failure, allergies, gastric ulcers and diabetes
Curcumin (turmeric) - 
Is known as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.  It neutralizes and prevents the formation of free radicals.

·         Eat fresh papayas and pineapples, which contains powerful enzymes called papain (papaya) and Bromelain ( pineapple) – both enzymes reduce swelling and pain.  Bromelain is available in pill form.  If fresh papaya and pineapple is not available, consider taking a systemic  enzyme supplement, like Karyn’s Kare Systemic Enzymes with MSM.  It has MSM, Bromelain, Protease, Rutin, Papain, Amylase Serrazimes and Lipase plus trace minerals.
·         Eat coldwater fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel and sardines.  They are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Omega 3 fatty acids and essential fatty acids (EFA’s) reduce inflammation, reduce high blood pressure, prevent arthritis, and increase brain function.
·         Increase Omega 6 fatty acids – found in flaxseeds, raw nuts and seeds.  Flaxseeds contain high levels of Omega 6 EFA’s which studies have shown to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling of arthritis.  In addition, Flaxseed lignans  - are powerful antioxidants. SDG or secosolariciresinol diglycoside is a lignan that is the precursor to mammalian lignan -  enterolactone and entrodiol and is said to have phytoestrogenic properties.  It is being investigated as a treatment for breast cancer.  Also it has been proven to lower cholesterol  ,lower blood pressure, prevents diabetes and endotoxic shock.
·         Limit saturated fats and salt – trans- fatty acids are dangerous to the body because it causes free radical damage, another cause of inflammation.  Salt increases blood pressure and causes dehydration.
·         Avoid soda pop, sugar and processed foods/junk foods.  Dark soda pop like coke can deplete the body of calcium due to its phosphoric acid and caffeine content.  Sugar and junk foods contribute to weight gain, diabetes and obesity and can put additional stress on joints and muscles. Sugar can also raise blood sugar levels and cause stress on your pancreas and adrenals – which in turn can also raise cortisol levels in your blood, preventing its natural function of suppressing inflammation reactions. Increased cortisol can cause stress response in body which can manifest  as insomnia, memory impairment, mood disturbance, IBS, hypothyroidism and depression.

Eating your way to: Calm

Eat your way to: Calm
Life’s daily stress can wreak  havoc on your immune system and emotional health. A daily onslaught of stress can lead to heart disease, diabetes, anxiety disorders and even wrinkles. Here are a few dietary tips to help you on your way to calm and wellness.

“eat the rainbow” – colorful veggies and fruits contain antioxidants that can help your immune system and boost you energy, helping you cope with life’s daily stress.

Veggies such as Mustard greens, Kale carrots and spinach contain B vitamins that help increase energy and boost metabolism.

Fruits such as  blueberries and papaya contain anthocyanins  and enzymes which improve mood and concentration, decrease inflammation and contribute to a better digestion.

For an added treat: eat a small piece of chocolate ( 86% cacao)
Chocolate has antioxidants and induces a feeling of euphoria in many people.
Deep sea fish and vegetables contain beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids which are heart protective, mood stabilizing, reduces inflammation in joints and muscles and improves overall blood pressure by lowering triglyceride levels in the body.
Sources for omega-3’s are fish oil supplements, deep sea fish such as Salmon, tuna and herring.
Vegetable sources are flaxseeds, primrose oil, hemp oil, avocados, most leafy green vegetables and soybeans.
Complex carbohydrates
Carbs have had a bad reputation recently, but complex carbohydrates have been the building blocks of many diets from ancient civilizations till today.  Complex carbs not only provides great energy and building material for our cells, it also increases the hormone serotonin in our systems.  Stress causes the release of dopamine which triggers nervous reactions such as panic attacks, anger, jitteriness and arrhythmia.  Serotonin causes relaxation, feelings of calm and well-being and attributed to better concentration and communication.  Complex carbohydrates are “whole” foods, not processed white flour or corn products.  Examples are brown rice, fresh vegetables and fruits. Eating complex carbs triggers the brain to secrete serotonin and the hormone leptin which makes us feel full, calm and satisfied. Next time you feel stress, grab a piece of fruit and notice the difference in your reactions.

Finding your center - body awareness

This is the start of your new practice!! Breathe and start to feel better...

Ever notice how we never pay attention to breathing? Or how our shoulders tense during a stressfull situation, or if something hurts, we just walk thru the pain and bear it. Body awareness is an important aspect of living, it enables us to participate in life as much as possible. Our body is constantly sending messages to the brain and your heart, telling you how to act upon these sensations and feelings. Learning how to listen to our bodies not only helps us attune ourselves to our own body's mechanisms, but also could prevent disease and emotional issues later.

There are a few elements to learning body awareness:

Intuition - listen to that inner voice telling you to stop what your doing, breath and relax. You of all people know your body on all levels, the condition of your body, emotional state and well being. By listening to your " inner teacher" you would be well equipped to handle any situation if you know which direction you are heading. First step, trust yourself, trust your own feelings and open yourself to that growing awareness of your body.

Mental Attitude - ever notice if your grumpy and negative you feel heavy, lethargic,even irritable? A judgemental attitude strongly affects our body awareness, by blocking all positive aspects around you. Let go of the rigidity and flow like water, and gain insight at that moment. It's called the "will to become", an attitude that enables you to contact the place inside you who want's to be a better you, who wants a fuller life. Put all your energy and heart to this and let everything else flow like water around you.

Physical awareness - exercise, meditation, even a good hobby can stimulate creativity, physiology and every aspect of your physical self. Become aware of how you carry yourself, how you walk, sit and even eat. Try to sit and notice how each part of your body feels and take a mental note of it.

these activities can help with body awareness and also helps release tension in the body:

Progressive relaxation techinques
cardio exercise

Learning how to center - Fundamental to body awareness, is the idea of body centering. Think of it as bringing all aspects that I have just mentioned, intuition, mental attitude, physical awareness and bringing it all to the center, the heart. you are sitting or standing comfortably, with the intention of centering yourself.

A Meditation for Centering:

Prayer pose: In a sitting position, place your plams in a prayer pose, palms together and resting in the middle of your sternum on the point called Ren 17, also called "the sea of tranquility" Be aware of your breath as you do this and slowly breath for a few minutes. Notice how much more confident you feel after and how much more grounded you feel. Do this as much as needed during your daily practice.

Awareness in daily life - These techniques can all be applied to daily living and meant to be incorporated harmoniously with you life, not a regimented, to be strictly followed protocol. Body awareness is a way of centering and paying attention to your body mechanics and listening to your inner voice. Its a way of loving yourself which in turn loves you back as you become open to its sensitivities, learn its languages and know everyon of its expressions. Try it and see for yourself the difference it make in your life.

So, How do you center yourself? what have you noticed after trying these exercises?